Monday, August 01, 2005

Sierra Nevada, Mackeson's, Bridgeport

Welcome back to another edition of Drinking Round the World. Today, we're exploring the wonderful world of stouts. Let's see what's on the menu:

Sierra Nevada Stout
Country: USA (California)

Mackeson's Triple Stout
Country: England

Bridgeport Blackstrap Stout
Country: USA (Oregon)

First up is the Sierra Nevada Stout.

Fish: This is a delightful bitter. Medium smooth. Good flavor. I'll give it 5 pints
Gryphon: Nice bitter flavor on this one. I've had better, but this is pretty good. It definitely stays with you. Kind of coats your tongue actually. I'll give it 6 pints. I'd drink this.
Tserof: This is my type of beer. Smooth and bitter. I'm enjoying this a lot. 8 pints from me.
Rusty: Really strong flavor, but it's the aftertaste that never ends. Wow. That just lingers on. 6 from me. They need to work on the aftertaste.
Mad Mike: This is the beer that keeps on giving. It tastes really good, but it keeps on tasting for a long time. I don't know how I'm supposed to rate the other beers. It's been 5 minutes and I'm still tasting Sierra Nevada. But at least what I am tasting is good. 6.5 pints from me.

The Woodchuckers
Ashlynne: Ugh. *wildly contorted bitter beer face* That's really bitter. Too bitter. Yuck. 1 pint.
Jalera: Nice smell on this one. But way too bitter. It's smooth though. Lots of bitter aftertaste. 3 pints from me.

Final Average
Drinkers' Average: 6.3
Woodchuckers' Average: 2

Next up, we have Mackeson's Triple Stout. Considering the amount of water it took to wash the Sierra Nevada away enough to give a good review, we're all a little afraid of what a Triple Stout might taste like...

Fish: Blech. Sickeningly sweet. Bitters should not taste like sugar. Very bad stout. Someone take this. Ugh. I need a Murphy's. 1 pint from me. I guess.
Gryphon: It's not nearly as horrible as I was expecting from Fish's reaction. That said, it's not great. Tastes like coffee which is normally a good thing in my book. But this tastes like that sweet "coffee drink" crap you get at Starbucks. I'd drink it, but I'm not impressed. 4 pints from me.
Tserof: Too sweet. This doesn't taste like a beer. Are you sure this is beer? I'm with Gryph. I'll drink it, but not if something else is available. 4 pints.
Mad Mike: The aftertaste keeps getting stronger. Course, that may just be the Sierra Nevada coming back for more... Pretty good up till then though. I'll give it 7 pints. **It should be noted that this beer is exactly like Mad Mike likes his coffee. Mostly sugar**
Rusty: This has a good flavor. I like it. I'll give it a 6.5.

The Woodchuckers
Ashlynne: **slight bitter beer face** Bitter and sweet at the same time. Weird. 5 pints from me.
Jalera: Very chocolatey. That's not horrible. I'll give it 3 pints.

Final Average
Drinkers' Average: 4.5
Woodchuckers' Average: 4

Lastly, we have Bridgeport Blackstrap Stout. We're hoping for good things out of this one. I went into Frugal McDougal's looking for Murphy's and this is what they suggested as an alternative. Can it live up? Let's see

Fish: Low carbonation, low bitter, excellent finish. This is a really great beer. I was skeptical at first, but it's won me over. 8 pints and worth every one.
Gryphon: Great beer. Very full flavor. I love the low carbonation. I wish more stouts would do this. It makes for so much better drinking. 8 pints from me too. Excellent beer. One of the best we've done.
Tserof: Good taste going down. No aftertaste. Very impressive. 9 pints.
Mad Mike: Good beer. Great flavor. Very smooth. No aftertaste. If I ever go off my diet and can drink regularly again, this is what I'll be drinking. Good stuff. 9 pints.
Rusty: Very likeable. I'd buy this. Good flavor. 8 pints here.

The Woodchuckers:
Ashlynne: Too sour. Not good at all. 1 pint.
Jalera: Yeah, I get sour too. Bad stuff. I don't see what you guys are raving about. 2 pints from me.

Final Average
Drinkers' Average: 8.4
Woodchuckers' Average: 1.5


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